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May 2, 6 pm to 7.30 pm (CET-PARIS TIME) online Via Zoom (no registration needed)

Le huitième rendez-vous de notre séminaire aura lieu par Zoom le 2 mai 2024, de 18h à 19h30. Il s’agira d’une session, en anglais, uniquement par Zoom, avec Lori Emerson (University of Colorado at Boulder) qui présentera une conférence ayant pour titre : The Material Lives of Phantasmic Networks

The eighth session of our seminar will be on May 2, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (CET-PARIS TIME). We will be hosting this session via Zoom with Lori Emerson (University of Colorado at Boulder) who will present in English on : The Material Lives of Phantasmic Networks

The Material Lives of Phantasmic Networks

Lori Emerson will discuss the wild and wide range of phantasmic or imaginary networks that have been proposed since the late 19th century through the present moment (from the Pasilalinic-sympathetic compass to the telephonoscope, the Mundaneum, and the Cosmic Internet). She will discuss how these non-material entities have had a profound material influence on the conceptualization and development of actual networks over the last 150 years. More, these imaginary networks pave the way for alternative networks that are part-and-parcel of a collectively owned future no longer solely determined by ever-accelerating, global accumulation of capital. 

Lori Emerson is an Associate Professor of Media Studies and Director of the Intermedia Art, Writing, and Performance Program. She is also Director of the Media Archaeology Lab. She is currently working on a cluster of research projects she calls “Other Networks” or histories of telecommunications networks that existed before or outside of the Internet. Emerson is author of the forthcoming Other Networks: A Radical Technology Sourcebook (Anthology Editions, 2024), co-author of THE LAB BOOK: Situated Practices in Media Studies (University of Minnesota Press, 2021), author of Reading Writing Interfaces: From the Digital to the Bookbound (University of Minnesota Press, 2014), and editor of numerous collections.